Junk in the Trunk
Junk in the Trunk
- Stupid Videos....
- I tried Caramel Ho-Ho's yesterday. Good stuff, for crap. I just wish that they sold them one to a pack instead of three. Completely unnecessary.
- Sea Monkey Worship, huh?
- Fark-themed set of Tarot cards. - Hilarious and nice looking!
- Secrets and Thighs - A history of celebrity sex tapes, real and fake, from Joan Crawford to Paris Hilton.
- Panda Golf
- Shadorunr and I were talking about Basia the other day, (mostly because her song Time and Tide has been coming up on our playlists a lot as of late), and it seems that she is still in the business. Splendid news.
- The Open Sound Pool
- Joe Cartoon - Gerbil Mantra
- The Ghost of William S. Burroughs
- Google War!!!
- What is the best time of day to weigh yourself?
- You know you want it: Pr0n shirt
Book Meme
1. Take five (random!) books off your bookshelf.2. Book #1 -- first sentence
3. Book #2 -- last sentence on page fifty
4. Book #3 -- second sentence on page one hundred
5. Book #4 -- next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty
6. Book #5 -- final sentence of the book
7. Make the five sentences into a paragraph:
[1] My mother is standing in front of the bathroom mirror smelling polished and ready; like Jean Nate', Dippity Do and the waxy sweetness of lipstick. [2] Father Moody stood outside the bathroom, too bashful the enter that moist cave that existed as a common room between the girls' two shared bedrooms. [3] Kali had terrible eyesight, and had been wearing glasses since she was nine years old. [4] Wouldn't it be great if you would love me? [5] What about me?
1. Running with Scissors - Augusten Burroughs
2. The Virgin Suicides - Jeffrey Eugenides
3. Better Living Through Death - The Six Feet Under book.
4. See a Grown Man Cry, Now Watch Him Die - Henry Rollins
5. Live From New York - Tom Shales & James Andrew Miller
Always with the wierdness...

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