Finally, What Most of You Have Been Waiting For!
Junk in the Trunk
- Word of the Day: outpenis(es), courtesy of Rob: Stud tried to outpenis Stud2 by buying a better motocycle. Yes. This is a winner.
- Tips for women to cope with booze
- Hidden Songs
- A Booktard's Dream Come True - especially in the case of out-of-prints!
- You Pour Thing, If You Don't See the Point of Spelling Correctly! This is by the lady who wrote Eats, Shoots, and Leaves which is on my must-read list.
- My ex sent me this link: Obey the Fist - I don't know if I should be scared or not!
- Fans: Bury 'Six Feet Under' - You know, I think this is crap. I don't think a single show has made me think and care as much as Six Feet Under. Despite the seemingly blah storyline this season, after rewatching it, or THINKING about it, I invariably realize the genius and smoldering fury that is bound to unleash by the end of the season. Fuck you impatient Rosy-ending Faux fans. (Uh, did I really just write all of that. Durrr!)
- Who wants to enter the Greatest Grilled Cheese Recipe Contest???? I'm working on an entry...
- Great discussion, Ramble. Topic: Straight or Gay? Choice or Not? Does It Matter?
- If you're using Mozilla Thunderbird or Firefox, you may want to read these: [1], [2], [3]
- Craigslist: I Don't Kick Puppies
- Craigslist: Asscleaning: 101 - cuz we all need to know how to do it.
Junk in the Trunk: Special Political Section
- JibJab - in case you're having trouble identifying your candidates.
- 9/11 Commission Audio available for free on iTunes.
- Or if you prefer, Read the report yourself.
- Things You Have To Believe To Vote Republican This Year
- Lemonlye posted: Did you know that only 51% of all eligible American citizens voted in the 2000 presidential election? Make your voice heard. Inform yourself about the issues, and register to vote. Deadlines vary from state to state -- some are as early as thirty days before the election -- so the time to start thinking about this is now. You are eligible to register if you are a U.S. citizen 18 or older and you have never been convicted of a felony. You need to register if:
* You have never registered before
* You have moved since the last time you voted
* You have changed your name
* (In some states) you have not voted since before the last presidential election
You may register at your local board of elections or at many state or local government offices; in all states except New Hampshire and Wyoming you may register by mail after downloading a registration form on the web (.pdf format; state-by-state instructions are included, 800KB). The links above go to the Federal Election Commission. Alternately, to find out the deadlines, procedures, and locations for your state, including information geared toward college students deciding whether to vote where you live or where you to go school, you may visit MTV's Rock the vote web site. - Sweet Jesus, I Hate Bill O'Reilly, International
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