LaLa Means I Love You......Jen


Junk in the Trunk - 1/25/05

Junk in the Trunk - Freezing January Inversion Issue!

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Triple Shots from my friend Tack...or as he said, I'm going for the junk in the trunk hat trick:

  1. I'm beyond the fury of youth. I love young women who are angry...But if you dont transcend, you become a very disturbed 40 year old. - Tori Amos

  2. IM of the Day:
    Lalajen: did I mention that I loathe mondays?
    Tack: I'm not too found of them... either
    Tack: unless its porn star monday but those aren't very commen
    Lalajen: not common enough anyway.

  3. IM of the Day 2:
    Tack: I would like to invent something called the pornicle.
    Lalajen: see I see this as porn+icicle...and that could only be one thing (NOTE: the dramatic pause)
    Lalajen: a dildo
    Tack: I was thinking like a popcycle with like a picture in it that was covered up by the cicle part
    Tack: but yeah... yours it probably better
    Lalajen: it could be a cool frosty white color
    Tack: but thats already been invented... so I can't invent it again
    Lalajen: well yeah, but there are a thousand and one different kinds. Maybe we just need one that actually delivers an electric shock when used
    Tack: hahaha
    Lalajen: you know - there is probably an audience out there for that
    Tack: I'm pretty sure there is an audience out there for everything

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.....this is getting way too long. I'm going to have to do another in right quick time!


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