YAY! 10/27 edition!
Junk in the Trunk
- I can't wait to see this! Last Chance Until 2007: Total Lunar Eclipse Tonight!
- Netflix Girds for DVD Rental Price War - I was just pleased when they lowered my monthly payment actively! I usually have to call and bitch for them to do something like that (make my payment/etc. comparable with new subscribers)! Sooo Coool!
- 100 Facts and 1 Opinion from the Nation
- Punk rock moves become yoga fusion - I want a class like that!
- Buzzing the Web on a Meme Machine
- Rolex Confused About How Spam Works - I've been dealing with all this madness Rolex spam....here's some info if you have been too!
- Newspaper Picks: An Analysis of the 2004 Endorsements So Far - for the locals, The Idaho Statesman Endorsed Kerry - I'm kind of disappointed with the Statesman's analysis, but I applaud them for making such a bold statement in a all-Republican all the time type state.
- Life After the Oil Crash - What next, Jed??
- Mozilla vs. Microsoft. I've been using Firefox for several months now, and I like it, but the initial launch is sloooooooow (especially if from another application). I'd love a Google based browser, (On the one hand, a Gbrowser might put a damper on any other contenders, but imagine what Google and Mozilla might do if they teamed up.) - *crosses fingers*. Anyone using the Apple Safari Web Browser? I'd be thrilled for a Window's browser from Apple...
- In the worker productivity department: Those Horrible Personal Emails Again
- Lou Boyd retired again and I am not enjoying any of the replacment trivia columns that my paper is testing out. That man was a GEM I tell ya.