I thought I'd share some absoultely hilarious stuff from Here. I have been cracking up all day over this. Oh No They Didn't! is the best for finding this kind of misc. celebrity garbage. Behold, the Van Damme:

LiveJournal's Friday Fiver - Park it
1. When is the last time you rode the bus? "The bus." Hmmm....I think the last bus I rode was when I went on a road trip with the Oregon State Dance Team/Football Team/Cheerleaders/Marching Band to Seattle in 1996 or 1997.
2. Describe the last time you stood up for a cause: Well, yesterday I completed my annual pledge form for our charity deductions. I give $5/month each to Oregon State, the Idaho Human Society, and the Women & Children's Alliance. I always feel bad that I don't really have the money to give that much, but then I saw my end-of-year pay statement, and felt a little bit better. :)
3. Have you visited Alabama? I believe I've driven through it....
4. Have you ever attended a rally? A MLK Jr. rally at Boise State, my Jr. or Sr. year of High School
5. Have you ever been arrested? Amazingly, only once. When I was 17, I was arrested for curfew violation with Brandi and another friend of ours. We had alcohol in the car. We were the only under-age people in the station that night (they had set up a roadblock) that didn't have to get a breathalyzer (they didn't see our alcohol!), and the only ones that were allowed to leave and "drive ourselves home".
LiveJournal's The Friday Five - Superriffic!!!
1. Who is your favourite superhero? Jean Grey/Phoenix and Sersi
If you were a superhero, which one would you be? Sersi
Justice League or Injustice League? For entertainment value, INJUSTICE!
Which supervillain would you be? Sexy, sexy Catwoman!
If you could have superpowers, what would they be? To be in more than one place at a time - sure would help with my mental activity! Telepathy...mainly any powers of the mind.
Music Memoirs - Top 5 Beautiful Voices
And if you're so disposed, tell us why you picked the voices you did and if you want to share a favorite song by each, feel free!
1. Stevie Nicks/Christine McVie - I love them both, and it's hard to pick one over the other. They're especially good when singing together. I love so many of their songs, I can't pick a favorite.
2. Poe - She sings so smooth it's like silk. Angry Johnny is a favorite.
3. Nina Simone - Need I say more?
4. Shakira - I'm not usually a fan of Latino music, but Shakira rocks my socks - whether in English or not. Objection Tango and La Tortura are two of my favorites.
5. Tori Amos - I love sultry - she can sing anything in any style and make me love it. I have to say the first song of hers I ever heard is my favorite: Silent All These Years.
Honorable Mentions: Patti Smith - because she's so passionate and raw, not necessarily "beautiful" in the same sense as the others I've listed, but truthful and I love that about her. Anne Wilson - I have always liked Heart, but when I saw them live, she gave me shivvers she was so incredible.
Friday's Feast Seventy-Two
Appetizer - When was the last time you did something you would consider courteous, what was it, and who was it for? I am always having to sweep leaves away from my front door - piles. Yesterday when I swept, I swept the entire doorway area, including in front of my neighbor's door. Shook off their doormat too. Awww.
Salad - If you were to have a painting done of you alone, what would you want the background to be? The Ocean and a lighthouse scene - maybe Haystack Rock.
Soup - Describe your voice. - Oh boy. I always thought I had a boyish voice. Lately whenever I hear it, I think I sound whiny and more high-pitched. It is certainly not one of my better attributes!
Main Course - What is something you would like to do, but you're afraid of the risk(s)? I'm not generally scared of "physical" things, but after recently watching an episode of I Shouldn't Be Alive while over at my brother's (it was the Shark Survivor episode), I don't think I could ever go very far out into the ocean in anything smaller than your standard-sized cruise liner.
Dessert - What was the last television show you watched? - Reunion
LiveJournal's Friday Fiver - Park it
1. When is the last time you rode the bus? "The bus." Hmmm....I think the last bus I rode was when I went on a road trip with the Oregon State Dance Team/Football Team/Cheerleaders/Marching Band to Seattle in 1996 or 1997.
2. Describe the last time you stood up for a cause: Well, yesterday I completed my annual pledge form for our charity deductions. I give $5/month each to Oregon State, the Idaho Human Society, and the Women & Children's Alliance. I always feel bad that I don't really have the money to give that much, but then I saw my end-of-year pay statement, and felt a little bit better. :)
3. Have you visited Alabama? I believe I've driven through it....
4. Have you ever attended a rally? A MLK Jr. rally at Boise State, my Jr. or Sr. year of High School
5. Have you ever been arrested? Amazingly, only once. When I was 17, I was arrested for curfew violation with Brandi and another friend of ours. We had alcohol in the car. We were the only under-age people in the station that night (they had set up a roadblock) that didn't have to get a breathalyzer (they didn't see our alcohol!), and the only ones that were allowed to leave and "drive ourselves home".
LiveJournal's The Friday Five - Superriffic!!!
1. Who is your favourite superhero? Jean Grey/Phoenix and Sersi
If you were a superhero, which one would you be? Sersi
Justice League or Injustice League? For entertainment value, INJUSTICE!
Which supervillain would you be? Sexy, sexy Catwoman!
If you could have superpowers, what would they be? To be in more than one place at a time - sure would help with my mental activity! Telepathy...mainly any powers of the mind.
Music Memoirs - Top 5 Beautiful Voices
And if you're so disposed, tell us why you picked the voices you did and if you want to share a favorite song by each, feel free!
1. Stevie Nicks/Christine McVie - I love them both, and it's hard to pick one over the other. They're especially good when singing together. I love so many of their songs, I can't pick a favorite.
2. Poe - She sings so smooth it's like silk. Angry Johnny is a favorite.
3. Nina Simone - Need I say more?
4. Shakira - I'm not usually a fan of Latino music, but Shakira rocks my socks - whether in English or not. Objection Tango and La Tortura are two of my favorites.
5. Tori Amos - I love sultry - she can sing anything in any style and make me love it. I have to say the first song of hers I ever heard is my favorite: Silent All These Years.
Honorable Mentions: Patti Smith - because she's so passionate and raw, not necessarily "beautiful" in the same sense as the others I've listed, but truthful and I love that about her. Anne Wilson - I have always liked Heart, but when I saw them live, she gave me shivvers she was so incredible.
Friday's Feast Seventy-Two
Appetizer - When was the last time you did something you would consider courteous, what was it, and who was it for? I am always having to sweep leaves away from my front door - piles. Yesterday when I swept, I swept the entire doorway area, including in front of my neighbor's door. Shook off their doormat too. Awww.
Salad - If you were to have a painting done of you alone, what would you want the background to be? The Ocean and a lighthouse scene - maybe Haystack Rock.
Soup - Describe your voice. - Oh boy. I always thought I had a boyish voice. Lately whenever I hear it, I think I sound whiny and more high-pitched. It is certainly not one of my better attributes!
Main Course - What is something you would like to do, but you're afraid of the risk(s)? I'm not generally scared of "physical" things, but after recently watching an episode of I Shouldn't Be Alive while over at my brother's (it was the Shark Survivor episode), I don't think I could ever go very far out into the ocean in anything smaller than your standard-sized cruise liner.
Dessert - What was the last television show you watched? - Reunion
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