LaLa Means I Love You......Jen


Junk in the Trunk - NOLA Disaster Edition

During a few nights last week, I watched the two Oprah from the Katrina Catastrophe - episodes, and I ended up bawling all night. Whenever there is some sort of disaster or such, I typically read about them and avoid the television - something about seeing the moving images makes things seem all to real - print and online media are easier to keep some sort of surrealistic view about. I still feel pretty worthless when I realize there isn't much I can do for these people. I know you're all probably sick of this topic, but here are some things I've gleaned that you may be interested in.

Junk in the Trunk: NOLA Disaster Edition

With that, I wish you all health, happiness, much love, and a brighter day tomorrow. :) ~Lalajen


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