LaLa Means I Love You......Jen


11/19 Junk in the Trunk

A very procrastination-oriented Junk in the Trunk


11/11 Edition

Junk in the Trunk

<3 Peace Out.


Concessional Junk in the Trunk

Junk in the Trunk
After this post, I will no longer be discussing this election madness. I realize that it is unproductive to dwell on what should have been or could have been and that to deal with WHAT IS is my only hope for moving on through the next four years. Addionally, I hate this bickering that I'm seeing and hearing about all over stuff that we were able to rationally discuss BEFORE the election, but all the decency has hit the window. Please do not pick a fight with me, I am over the situation and moving on....

However, I would like to share some post-election information that I've gleaned....of all kinds - pro and con.

And with that....
Fuck this shit!


Post Halloween/Pre-Election JitT

Junk in the Trunk
I was kinda sick and played mellow this weekend. Mostly reading and homework and sleeping. I totally forgot that I had a bunch of interesting Halloween stuff! DOH! Like it or not, here it is anyway!

First, the Halloween stuff!

Then....the FUN stuff......

Finally, the Political Stuff....