11/19 Junk in the Trunk
A very procrastination-oriented Junk in the Trunk
- Office Romance Tips
- US Blogger Fired By Her Airline - Scary!
- Controversial Dutch Film Director Shot Dead in Street *sigh*
- Tea!
- For those of you that could use the help - Installing Windows SP2, Step by Step
- TV Gasm...similar to Television Without Pity
- Did you miss out on NaNoWriMo like I did?
- How about a nice hot cuppa joe? - Why a kowerker sent me that the other day, I'll never know.
- The Political Capital MasterCard
- "Political Hot or Not!"
- Arach No! Phobia - I don't know if it's the weather or what, but I've been seriously assaulted lately by these big, hairy and ugly buggers, EEEP.
- Did you see this Get Fuzzy?
- Bush's new head of the FDA, Dr. W David Hager, a practicing OB/GYN who describes himself as largely "pro-life" and refuses to prescribe contraceptives to unmarried women. You have got to be JOKING. I don't know who this guy is, nor have I taken the time to validate this, but if this is what we're going to be facing, THAT SCARES me and my box that doesn't function very well at all without the hormones. Not to mention the fact I don't want to get pregnant.
- CIA plans to purge its agency - Isn't this a little something called "discrimination"? Oh yeah, this must be part of that political capital gettin' spent...
- Never count the milestone as you pass them one by one. Count your blessings, count your friends, unafraid of anything you see, believing that the best of the years is yet to be. -Cecilia Menon
- Morse Code Translat0r
- For those of you running Firefox, I highly recommend the FoxyTunes plugin. I LOVE IT. Don't have to switch out of your browser to control your mp3 player.
- Who You Callin' Aggressive? Interesting article on Passive/Aggressiveness - New research suggests that in many cases it stems from a positive, socially protective instinct - to keep peace at home, avoid costly mistakes at work, even preserve some self-respect. Some of the people being demeaned as passive-aggressive are in fact being extremely careful not to commit mistakes, a strategy that has been successful for them, if not entirely conscious, said E. Tory Higgins of the Motivation Science Center at New York's Columbia University. They become difficult, he said, when their cautious instincts are overwhlemed by demands that they perceive as unreasonable...people with strong passive tendancies often grew up in loving but demanding families, which gave them responsibilities they perceived to be unmanageable. Sounds about right.
- Study Links Sleep Deprivation, Obesity Ugh......maybe I should go to bed a little earlier just in case?
- Curbing Your Enthusiasm - Information about porn and obscenities and the implications in the future. Including Patriot Act implications.
- The Diceware Passphrase Home Page for those of you that struggle with finding the "perfect" password.
- Do Blogs Change the News?
- EverQuest II Hunts Newbies - I know quite a few of you are playing this and that it sounds fabulous.
- Should a charge of plagiarism ruin your life? This is a wonderful article - I think that anyone who would like to be a writer for realz should read this.
- Bugging You.... Uh...yeah.
- Election apology starts net feud - Sorryeverybody.com VS. We'renotsorry.com