Junk in the Trunk - Good Friday Edition!
Junk in the Trunk
Good Friday Edition!
- For a cool look at the wonders of the deep: Octopuses Occasionally Stroll Around on Two Arms, UC Berkeley Biologists Report - check out the video!
- What does Good Friday mean to you?
- I will be trying to fit in making some Chocolate Covered Peeps for this year's Easter celebration!
- It really bothers and saddens me that I know who this guy is, especially after: Man Arrested in an Internet Sting. In a humorous light, this may very well be the BEST MUGSHOT EVER!
- Can anyone explain what exactly this is: OMGTAGS!
- Apparently LiveJournal's Weise is the kid that was responsible for the shootings in Minnesota earlier this week. Kreepy, yes with a K!
- My new favorite way to describe methods of dealing with post-ejaculatory situations: 'ejaculate management strategy'.
- If you haven't yet heard, Fiona Apple's new CD is available for download. Free.
- Free Army Stuff
- This is an interesting piece on Tact Filters.
- How Many Antennas Are Hidden In Your Car?
- Lacking humour today? Go White Boy, Go! should rectify that.
- Regarding Terri Schialvo - I'm torn on the issue. One thing I know for sure though, is that if they let her die through starvation and dehydration, that that is completely fucked up - there should be assisted suicide in these situations. Even if she only has the mental/emotional capacity of a plant, plants have been proven to react to stimuli and FEEL. There is something so wrong in letting someone who alledgedly hurt herself die such an inhumane death, while Scott "I killed my wife and unborn child" Peterson gets off free via the Lethal Injection gravy train. How just is that? At this point, I think I will reiterate the importance of having a Living Will (Idaho and Oregon link only).
- Balls!
- Duplex Theory
- "Those who flee temptation generally leave a forwarding address." - Lane Olinghouse
- Too cool! Individual-Sized Packages of ANYTHING Imaginable.
- Interested in entering the Cheese Haiku contest? The deadline is April 1st.
- Chinese Buffet Syle Green Beans!!!
- Interesting Blog Community: Coroner Stories.