LaLa Means I Love You......Jen


Junk in the Trunk

Junk in the Trunk

....and I'm only posting this because I love the picture. Plus I'd like to know if anyone has any good book recommendations for reading about the Arch Angels??

Rafael. You're most like the ArchAngel of Healing. You want people to shape up, and you nag. But you mean well, and you're well loved despite it. Or because of it. You bring the donuts even as you tell people to eat more veggies.

Which ArchAngel are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla


Today's Edition..

Junk in the Trunk


Junk in the Trunk

Junk in the Trunk


Yikes...This is a Biggun!

Junk in the Trunk


Junk in the Trunk

Junk in the Trunk

Book Meme
1. Take five (random!) books off your bookshelf.
2. Book #1 -- first sentence
3. Book #2 -- last sentence on page fifty
4. Book #3 -- second sentence on page one hundred
5. Book #4 -- next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty
6. Book #5 -- final sentence of the book
7. Make the five sentences into a paragraph:

[1] My mother is standing in front of the bathroom mirror smelling polished and ready; like Jean Nate', Dippity Do and the waxy sweetness of lipstick. [2] Father Moody stood outside the bathroom, too bashful the enter that moist cave that existed as a common room between the girls' two shared bedrooms. [3] Kali had terrible eyesight, and had been wearing glasses since she was nine years old. [4] Wouldn't it be great if you would love me? [5] What about me?

1. Running with Scissors - Augusten Burroughs
2. The Virgin Suicides - Jeffrey Eugenides
3. Better Living Through Death - The Six Feet Under book.
4. See a Grown Man Cry, Now Watch Him Die - Henry Rollins
5. Live From New York - Tom Shales & James Andrew Miller

Always with the wierdness...

Barocco - you weirdo.
You're barocco!
What musical term describes you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Junk in the Trunk Debut!

I've decided to use Junk in the Trunk for my "sharing valuable and random info" posts.

NERDS!!!!!!!!! Pass the rumaki!
I am...

You're flamboyant and a some would even go as far as to call you "fruity." Some wonder about your sexuality but regardless you tend to be very positive and can party with the best of them. You're easy going, fashionable, a little feminine and a good dancer.

Which nerd are you???


Obligatory 1st Post

I decided to use my Blogger account more regularly. I have a feature in another journal called Junk in the Trunk that I post sporadically - basically a mish-mash of links, quotes and anything else I find interesting along the way. I hope you enjoy!

~ Lalajen