LaLa Means I Love You......Jen


JitT 6/29 Edition

Junk in the Trunk

  • When I went to breffas with Lisa Sunday, she mentioned that she was doing somthing like this: The Couch-to-5K Running Plan. I think I'm going to start this plan too, in hopes that I can run the ENTIRE St. Luke's Womens Fitness Challenge in September. Last year I ran about 3/4 of it, but it was hard. I don't quite have 9 weeks, but I'll see what I can pull out...

  • Brilliantly Weird Cars

  • A friend of mine in Ohio has done a few posings for Spencer Tunick (Spencer Tunick Photo Shoot). I really think that this would be terribly liberating. I signed up to pose, but I doubt Spencer will bring his show to conservative Idaho. If you'd like to read about her experience, Check Here

  • Why don't you just go cry about it in your livejournal! sticker.

  • New word of the day - Omnipotard - doesn't need much explanation.

  • "People shop for a bathing suit with more care than they do a husband or wife. The rules are the same. Look for something you’ll feel comfortable wearing. Allow for room to grow." - Erma Bombeck

  • Something Smells Fishy

  • There's no excuse for boredom. - Henry Rollins


  • For my chef friends: Food Porn Blog Watch

  • I haven't talked much about the whole 9/11 stuff that was detailed in this article: Cheney Authorized Shooting Down Planes. Phone troubles? Give me a break. As for authorizing to shoot down planes, I call bullshit. Before 9/11 there was no cause or reason to believe that terrorists would plow planes in suicide missions into our landmarks. *MAYBE* this is possible after finding out about the first incident, but with all the "communication issues" that were being had, how could they have known in time? It happened so fast. I so hate propaganda.

  • The only people who find what they are looking for in life are the fault finders. - Foster's Law

  • Fine-Tuning Your Filter for Online Information

  • Drunk Confessions....

  • An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex. - Aldous Huxley - I am not an intellectual.


One More for the Road....

Junk in the Trunk

Your Primary Mythical Creature
Fire Types - The main strength of the Fire types is achievement. The second element indicates the most probable focus for this urge to achieve.

Wyvern - Astrologically associated with Aries and the First House.

Wyvern types are courageous, idealistic, and passionately concerned with personal rights and justice for the individual. They are among the most outgoing of all the types, highly sociable both at work and at play. They are tirelessly active with respect to other people and are rarely alone. They have a strong moral and ethical sense that makes them fiercely loyal and protective of those they love. They are implacable champions of the underdog and are strongly motivated to help others help themselves. They make good leaders of the democratic variety. They are drawn to competitive activities and group activities. They are exuberant, larger-than-life characters who are guaranteed to get things moving and make events fun, although quieter types may find them overpowering.

Your Shadow Creature
Earth Types - All the Earth types have problems relating to productivity and stability. The weakest element indicates the main focus of these problems.

Earth and Air

This shadow is irrational and unreasonable. They are plagued by a sense of uncertainty and are especially concerned about theft and loss of property. They can become quite paranoid about the motives of other people and despite being sociable in nature they have issues relating to trust. They are prone to bizarre delusions centering on lack of personal security. They are in different ways both self-neglecting and self-indulgent, ignoring genuine physical needs while simultaneously exhibiting hypochondria. Their frenetic lifestyle often reflects a neurotic need to escape a sense of insubstantiality. The biggest obstacle of weak Air is to overcome prejudice and ignorance; the biggest obstacle of weak Earth is to overcome self-centeredness and greed.


6/17 Edition

Junk in the Trunk


6/14 Junk in the Trunk[TM] and More!

Today's Edition

Goodnight, sweetheart, welllllll it's time to gooooooo...


Junk in the Trunk

Junk in the Trunk



Junk in the Trunk



My Mouth Hurts.

Junk in the Trunk

Lalajen, your subconscious mind is driven most by Curiosity.

You are full of questions about life, people, and your own potential. You spend more time than others imagining the possibilities for your life, and you're open to things others are too afraid to consider.

You have an almost physical need to know and do more. It's only through new experiences that you feel a greater understanding of yourself and the world. You also have a rebellious streak that shows up when you feel unable to truly influence the world or circumstances around you. Your appetite for novel experiences also shows an openness others don't have, but wish they did.

Your psyche is very rich; the more you learn about it, the more you will understand who you really are.