Junk in the Trunk - NOLA Disaster Edition
During a few nights last week, I watched the two Oprah from the Katrina Catastrophe - episodes, and I ended up bawling all night. Whenever there is some sort of disaster or such, I typically read about them and avoid the television - something about seeing the moving images makes things seem all to real - print and online media are easier to keep some sort of surrealistic view about. I still feel pretty worthless when I realize there isn't much I can do for these people. I know you're all probably sick of this topic, but here are some things I've gleaned that you may be interested in.
With that, I wish you all health, happiness, much love, and a brighter day tomorrow. :) ~Lalajen
Junk in the Trunk: NOLA Disaster Edition
- Little Bits and Pieces has a comprehensive list of verified charities.
- Boing Boing provides an entry to help determine which "charities" are phony.
- Normally, I love Bunny comics, but some days no amusement presents itself
- LiveJournal's Interdictor is blogging from a high rise in NOLA.
- Wikipedia is in the spirit as well.
- For those of you that are able to help get information via online or cell phone or however, and want to assist in relaying information to families, there is a Survivor Database and a NOLA Forum available.
- The scariest thing I've read about came from Boing Boing: Katrina: Update on New Orleans Nuke Plant Status
- For those of you that are absolutely disgusted with the US governments' inability to help our own nation while we're over causing devastation that we have to recover in another, you might be interested in watching Keith Olbermann: Law & Order & Terror Nation - A searing opinion piece from MSNBC's Keith Olbermann that captures the sentiments of many this week regarding the Great American Clusterfuck of Katrina. I suppose that's GACK for short, which in turn sounds like the noise produced when a country chokes on its own government.
- Check Weekly National Security Index for some interesting data and stats.
- FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR ROLL CALL 460 - Further Emergency Supplemental Appropriations, Hurricane Katrina, 2005 - How did your Representatives vote? Hopefully better than a certain Mr. Otter.
With that, I wish you all health, happiness, much love, and a brighter day tomorrow. :) ~Lalajen