LaLa Means I Love You......Jen


Feast Sixty-Five

Appetizer - Name 3 qualities that are important to you in friendship.
Honesty, open communication and trust (Although for me, that goes hand-in-hand with honesty...if I can't trust someone to be honest with me, even if it's something I may not want to hear, why would I dream of being their friend?)

Soup - If you could dream about anything tonight, what would the subject matter be?
I hardly EVER dream, and 99% of the ones I remember are nightmares, so this would be a blessing! I would dream of traveling through Ancient Greece mythology.

Salad - Do you usually make an effort to personally thank people who do favors for you?
I sure the hell do - in writing (like a card) if I can manage to do so before too much time has elapsed.

Main Course - If you had to go out of town for an extended period of time, who would you trust to take care of your home and belongings?
Hmmm. Probably Lisa and any of the Tons-0-Fun gals (Brandi, Jenn and Tedi). All four of them have known me long enough and well enough that I would trust them with my animals, and if they decided to snoop, I doubt that they would be bothered by anything that they would find.

Dessert - How do you react to practical jokes when they're played on you?
That depends, I am a pretty good sport, but then again, the practical joke better be in good humour and not malicious. Otherwise, the reation might not be as pleasant.



Junk in the Trunk - 10/4 - Oh, Wait! 10/5

Romance & Insanity - I'm the 2-for-1 package
The Moon Card
You are the Moon card. Entering the Moon we enter the intuitive and psychic realms. This is the stuff dreams are made on. And like dreams the imagery we find here may inspire us or torment us. Understanding the moon requires looking within. Our own bodily rhythms are echoed in this luminary that circles the earth every month and reflects the sun in its progress. Listening to those rhythms may produce visions and lead you towards insight. The Moon is a force that has legends attached to it. It carries with it both romance and insanity. Moonlight reveals itself as an illusion and it is only those willing to work with the force of dreams that are able to withstand this reflective light. Image from: Stevee Postman.

Which Tarot Card Are You?
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