LaLa Means I Love You......Jen


Local Girl Does Good!

For those of you that watch The Apprentice, a girl that went to school with my brother made it to the final four. I remember knowing who she was, but obviously she's been quite the mover and shaker since she left our small town!

Felisha Mason

I don't usually watch the show, but I will probably tune in on Thursday for the finale!

Music Memoirs - Take Me Back Tuesday

Name three songs with moon or madness in the title; alternately winter or winter-related words
  1. Bad Moon Rising - CCR / Cold as Ice - Foreigner

  2. Mad World - Tears for Fears / Frozen - Madonna

  3. Can't Fight the Moonlight - Leann Rimes / Ice Cream - Sarah McLaughlin

Name three artists with moon or madness/winter related words in their name.
  1. Mad Season / Snow

  2. Keith Moon / Icehouse

  3. Madness / Coldplay

Name three albums with moon or madness/winter related words in the title.
  1. Harvest Moon - Neil Young / Long Cold Winter - Cinderella

  2. Dark Side of the Moon (I really didn't want to use that one!) - Pink Floyd / Songs for Polar Bears - Snow Patrol

  3. Mad Season - Matchbox 20 / Freeze Frame - J. Geils Band


Friday's Feast - Seventy-One

Appetizer - What did you look like when you were a teenager? - Like This.

Salad - Whose advice do you listen to? - Varies - if it makes sense to me, I'll listen to advice from a friend, relative, or acquaintance/kowerker/random person. If it doesn't make sense to me, I won't follow anyone's advice but my own.

Soup - Name a book you would like to memorize. - Uh - there really would be no reason to do this, unless you wanted to be pretentious. I guess the dictionary could be a practical use - at least I'd never have to look up a word I didn't know the meaning to anymore!

Main Course - How often are you sick? - Far too often - thx allergies! I usually get the flu in January (this year I got it in November though!) - usually ends up developing into Bronchitis. I also have hay fever from February to August, typically - with sporadic sinus infections. Good times!

Dessert - Do you like or dislike change? - Depends - for the most part I like it. I abhor stagnancy, but then I can also easily become used to a situation that is positive. I like to evolve.


Thanksgiving "Take Me Back Tuesday" on Wednesday!'s that for a mouthful???

Music Memoirs - Take Me Back Tuesday

Name three songs containing the word or the idea of thanks or greatfulness.
  1. Thank You Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin - Sly & the Family Stone

  2. Thank You - Dido

  3. Great Balls of Fire - Jerry Lee Lewis

Name three artists you are thankful to have in your various collections.
(I don't care if this is boring!)
  1. Fleetwood Mac

  2. Tool

  3. No Doubt

Name three albums you are thankful that you received from someone. (Yourself counts as a someone)
...but I'm going for thanking others. :)
  1. Beautiful Garbage - Garbage, from my brother and sister-in-law

  2. The mixed tapes that my ex-husband and an ex-boyfriend made me

  3. Enchanted - the Stevie Nicks compilation, from my friend Ray


Food: The only thing of note is that I made some most excellent roasted cornish game hens. I've never made them before, so I was worried, but my little experiment came out well! I don't have a recipe (since I just winged it), but I can tell you I stuffed the birds with butter and a brown/wild rice mixture that I'd diced some pecans and dried apricots into. I followed that up by slathering the hens with an apricot jam and spicy mustard (about a 3:1 ratio) before baking it. They were incredibly good, and I could kick myself for being too hesitant to try them in the past.

Winter: Whelp, it really is winter now in Boise. It's so cold I have to scrape windows both before work and when I leave. :( We've also got a nasty inversion that isn't helping me at all. It was incredibly foggy last night, and tonight doesn't look to be much better. I'm just glad I don't have to drive to Caldwell to get home anymore!

More food: My favorite lunch is back at Freddy's!!!! Amy's Meixcan Casserole is back on the shelves!!! I'm so happy!

TV: Did anyone else check out the "extended ending" for CSI: Miami online after last night's episode? I thought it was quite a disappointment after all of the hype, and the "secret" had already been let out in the previews for next week. Any guesses on the "mole"? I'm thinking they're trying to get people suspicious of Delco (on account of the fact he's a bad drug user), but I don't think it's him. I have a theory.....

I was also let down by the 3-D Medium - I thought the story line was inventive and the idea was pretty darn cool, but when it came down to it, they repeated "3-D scenes" and the scenes were also blurry......

In Survivor gossip - I was all for Bobby Jon getting the boot a few weeks ago, until the episode that he actually got it. I don't know how much the show's production team misrepresents their players, but I think BJ got a lot of it - I was really impressed with how he handled things in his last few days. I was really unhappy that he was kicked off before Jaimie, but he got his last week. I guess at this point, I'm kinda rooting for Cindy - although she seems like a pouty princess on occasion, she sure kicks butt in challenges and doesn't pull any crap with anyone else - calls it like it is. I gotta respect someone that can win without being a devious snake (although it's not always the best TV now, is it?)

I've been addicted to the Food Network's two new shows, Behind the Bash and Sugar Rush. In a recent episode of BtB, Hollywood Book Bash, the party was for Michael Madsen who had recently released a book of poetry. I have always had a fangirl crush on Madsen, so I am definitely going to check out that book! On a side note, I had no idea that Virginia Madsen was his there you go! As for Sugar Rush, it's just fantastic adventures around various bakeries and chocolatiers/candy shoppes - almost makes me want to be a pastry chef, but that really isn't my favorite kind of cooking (which is surprising, I'd say!). If you love dessert, I'd really check this show out!


Backed up Meme Blockage

Since I missed last week's I'm just gonna cram both into this post.

This Week's Memes!
Friday's Feast - #70

Appetizer - When do you feel impatient? More like when do I not feel impatient. I'm usually running late, so I am perpetually trying to move. I think the thing that drives me the most bonkers in this department is when I'm talking to a slow talker. You know, those people that make dramatic pauses and drag out sentences longer than necessary - always when I'm most busy. My impatience is awful.

Salad - How many times in your life have you had a broken heart? - I think that every time my ex-husband and I broke up my heart broke a little (we were together on and off for 12 years, I can't really tell you how many times we broke up - but we lived together five separate times (excluding when we were separated because we couldn't move back to Idaho together at the same time). I can't really say that anyone else ever really broke my heart - I was upset a time or two, but not broken.

Soup - Name a book you would like to see made into a movie. - The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe

Main Course - If you could thank one teacher for what they taught you, who would it be and what would you thank them for? Oregon State professor Courtney Campbell - he taught a few courses in my Philosophy track - two of which were the best courses I've ever taken in my life: Death & Dying and Ethics. I took the Death & Dying course during the spring of '99 - when Columbine happened. That was a particularly emotional course (although not likely near as emotional as the one he had where a kid killed himself during that course) and it was really interesting to study all of the things we did about death. I have had very few instances of death that I've had to really deal with, so it really was a fantastic learning experience. The ethics course was great in that he was so great with ethical debates about not positing his position nor judging anyone for what they said about any given topic. He really let people delve into the subject matter without restriction, prejudice or stifling.

Dessert - What is your favorite kind of pie? That depends on the day! I love pecan pie, banana creme (although I'm very picky - Safeway's is about the only store bakery kind I'll eat), French Silk and lemon meringue.

Music Memoirs - Top Five on Friday

Top 5 "Forgotten" Artists. (You know those bands that are still around but when you mention them people ask you if they are still recording or alive)
  1. Cat Stevens

  2. Leonard Cohen

  3. Jefferson Airplane/Starship - or whatever mutation of their name they may be

  4. David Byrne

  5. Matt Cameron, Ben Shephard, Kim Thayil - you know "the rest" of Soundgarden


LiveJournal's Friday Fiver - She bop

  1. Favorite brand of jeans: - They are so not in style anymore (hell, I don't even know if they're made anymore), but Lawman fit me sooooo perfectly no matter what size I am. I also am a fan of Union Bay.

  2. Magazine you read regularly: - Cooking Light, The Week, TV Guide, Blender, Self, Health, Bon Appetit and Parabola. I am a total magazine whore, but most of my subscriptions have run out due to low fundz.

  3. If a button came off your clothing, could you sew it back on? Could I? Yes. Would I? Maybe after it sat in a pile for a year or so, while I kept writing it on my list of things to do.

  4. Have you ever had a curfew? Yeah. As a freshman/sophomore it was midnight - or whenever a sporting event/competition ended I had to come straight home. Junior/senior year it was 3 am until I screwed up and it was pulled back to midnight.

  5. Most dangerous thing you've done: Getting extremely wasted, going to a concert, staying up all night, then driving to Seattle (from Portland) because "it sounded like fun".


LiveJournal's The Friday Five for 11.18.05

  1. What do you do for fun? All kinds of things.....hang with friends, geek on the computer, write, read, exercise

  2. Is there a person from your past you would like to talk to again, even if it would be a potentially painful conversation? I can't think of anyone in particular that I'm not still in some level of contact with. Maybe Melissa, a good friend of mine from HS - saw her at our 10 yr reunion, but didn't have much of a chance to talk to her.

  3. What is your favorite comfort food? Hands down, homemade mac 'n cheese

  4. What is your preferred form of self-expression? (Do you dance; or express yourself through music, conversation, etc.) - Writing, although I used to dance, which I loooooved and miss so much. I like to sing, but it's a awful sound.

  5. You just received $5000; what do you spend it on? I'd use 1/2 of it to pay bills, 1/4 to buy new clothes (I'm severely in need) and the other 1/4 as additional down on a new car - my Honda is hurting big time.


Last Week's Memes!

Music Memoirs - Top 5 on Friday

Top 5 "Number" songs. (Songs with numbers or first, second, third...etc or any other number related words)
  1. One - U2

  2. Strawberry Letter 23 - Brothers Johnson

  3. Jenny (867-5309) - Tommy Tutone

  4. 6 Underground - Sneaker Pimps

  5. 2112 - Rush


LiveJournal's Friday Fiver - Jumping the shark
  1. Have you ever been to the ocean? - Three: Atlantic, Pacific, and I *think* the Arctic

  2. When is the last time you wore a swimsuit? Weekend of the 4th of July?

  3. Do you respect people more for staying through difficult times or knowing when to call it quits? Both, but I'd have to say I'd put staying through difficult times higher. There's a point where you just start looking like a fool, and you need to stop, but in general, working through hard times builds character.

  4. Name a TV show that made a huge splash in the beginning, but has since gone downhill Will & Grace - I can't even watch it for Karen any more, and I luuuv me some Anastasia Beaverhausen. :(

  5. Have you ever eaten shark? I'm pretty sure I have, but I couldn't tell you when or how exactly.


Fridays Feast - #69
Appetizer - If someone made a statue of you, in which pose would you like to be? - Something comfortable and sexy - I guess lazing about on a chais lounge?

Salad - What perfume/cologne does your best friend wear? - Um.....Sheryl wears this one kind (Tresemme?) that I can see the bottle, but can't remember the scent - I didn't particularly care for it though. Brandi wears (or at least likes) Loves Baby Soft and a few other kinds. :) I think.

Soup - Name something satisfying about your work. - I have quite a bit of freedom with my schedule.

Main Course - What was the last excuse you made, and why did you need to make it? I had to get gas and stop at a store unexpectly for a tampon - when I was late for bowling. :(

Dessert - Complete this sentence: I wonder why _________________.- .......Sam on Reunion was killed.

LiveJournal's The Friday Five for 11/18/05

  1. What is your favorite noise to hear? The sound of silence or at least calm (like sitting next to a secluded river/stream).

  2. If you could live in any era of time, what would you choose and why? I would have loved my heyday to have been in the 70's Disco scene - too much fun!

  3. You just found $50 while cleaning your house. Where do you decide to spend it? Most likely food.

  4. What magazines to you subscribe to/read on a normal basis? - I answered this above in one of this week's memes.

  5. If you could witness any event in history, but not change anything about it, what would you choose and why? The building of the pyramids, because it would be interesting to see exactly how they were built in such a time period. That or another stonehenge/Easter Island type event.