LaLa Means I Love You......Jen


Junk in the Trunk - 1/26

Junk in the Trunk - Bronchitis Edition!

  • 2004 Razzies Nominations have been announced. Check out the Farenheit 9/11 nominations and the "Worst of the last 25 Years" - funny, although I tend to argue that Xanadu should not be on any of those lists.

  • Want some cheap entertainment? Let Them Sing It FOR YOU!

  • Many of you have asked about my teenage job of corn-topping. Here is an article on that particular job! Detasseling, a Midwest Rite Of Passage, Faces Extinction "You get up before the sun comes up, meet at the high school and get on the yellow school bus that takes you to the field. You know that your first 10 steps into the corn are going to be anything but pleasant because it's full of dew. You're wet head-to-toe no matter what you're wearing. The corn is tall, you're walking through mud and engaged in repetitive physical exertion for the next 10 hours. In the morning, it's wet and chilly. By 10 a.m., steam is rising from the field. By noon it's darn hot, and by three, it's extremely hot and you're exhausted." - Yes, *I* did menial labour! They didn't even mention the spiders. :( Gloves with rubber grips protect the hands, hats guard against sunburn. We weren't allowed to wear gloves! They always told us that it prevented us from being able to properly grip the tassels. These kids nowadays have things SOOOO EASY!!!

  • From RetroCrush - Pipe Cleaner Porn!

  • Hooray for Maddox! Ben Stiller Should Star in Every Movie.

  • Be careful when blogging - you don't want to get Dooced.

  • Five Geek Social Fallacies - I'm guilty of #4!

  • Renee Zellweger as Betty Page - So wrong.

My Taste in Movies Meme
You scored as Sadistic Humour. Congratulations, you scored Sadistic Humour. You find the little things in life to be funny, and have a great sense of humour, whether it's stupid or dark. You're probably young, and older people don't understand why it's all so fucking hillarious. Either way, check out: Clerks, Mallrats, Napoleon Dynamite, Wayne's World.

Sadistic Humour








Romantic Comedy




Mindless Action Flick


Movie Recommendation.
created with

....and because Bruce Campbell rules

You are ASH! From the Evil Dead Trilogy!! You're a little on the slow side, and can be a coward but the ladies can't seem to get enough and you survive only to become stronger and stupider. Oh well. Hail to the King, you rock!


Junk in the Trunk - 1/25/05

Junk in the Trunk - Freezing January Inversion Issue!

More Free Stuff!

Triple Shots from my friend Tack...or as he said, I'm going for the junk in the trunk hat trick:

  1. I'm beyond the fury of youth. I love young women who are angry...But if you dont transcend, you become a very disturbed 40 year old. - Tori Amos

  2. IM of the Day:
    Lalajen: did I mention that I loathe mondays?
    Tack: I'm not too found of them... either
    Tack: unless its porn star monday but those aren't very commen
    Lalajen: not common enough anyway.

  3. IM of the Day 2:
    Tack: I would like to invent something called the pornicle.
    Lalajen: see I see this as porn+icicle...and that could only be one thing (NOTE: the dramatic pause)
    Lalajen: a dildo
    Tack: I was thinking like a popcycle with like a picture in it that was covered up by the cicle part
    Tack: but yeah... yours it probably better
    Lalajen: it could be a cool frosty white color
    Tack: but thats already been invented... so I can't invent it again
    Lalajen: well yeah, but there are a thousand and one different kinds. Maybe we just need one that actually delivers an electric shock when used
    Tack: hahaha
    Lalajen: you know - there is probably an audience out there for that
    Tack: I'm pretty sure there is an audience out there for everything

What is your weird quotient? Click to find out!

.....this is getting way too long. I'm going to have to do another in right quick time!


Junk in the Trunk - Pur-pole Edition!

Junk in the Trunk - Pur-pole Edition!

Special Freebies Section


Happy New Year Junk in the Trunk!

Junk in the Trunk New Year's Edition!